Frequently Asked Questions
All prospective students should start by sending the information form to (click here to download this form). This is an 'ADVANCED MASTER' degree. This means that applicants should have obtained both a bachelor and master degree BEFORE applying to this advanced program (alternatively, graduates from a 4-year bachelor degree may also apply).
Starting 2023, all applicants must take a test about a book titled "Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics" by Lind et al. (Notice, it should be the 18th Edition): Click here for more information on the exact procedure. See here for your login. Taking a GMAT or GRE test is no longer required. The applicant must score 75% or higher on the online test to obtain a PASS mark.
The second step in the admission procedure is to take a test on 'R Programming'. We recommend taking a free MOOC (massively open online course) on this topic.
The third step in the admission procedure is to take a test on Chapters 1-6 and 12 of the "An Introduction to Statistical Learning" book (second edition). (available here for free download at the bottom of the page)
The application is at no charge. Please download and complete the following information form and e-mail this word-document to Non-Belgian students should at the same time (to speed up the process of application) start the procedure outlined on the official UGent-website (click here). Deadlines regarding this application can also be found on this web page.3. SCHOLARSHIPS
Currently, Ghent University does not offer specific scholarships anymore. However, some scholarships are offered by other organizations (e.g. the Belgian, Flemish government), but they can only be obtained at the Belgian Embassy in the country of residence of the student. Foreign students are advised to contact the Belgian Embassy in their country and inquire about the different scholarships. Moreover the BTC (which is a part of ABOS) offers scholarships specifically for students from the following developing countries: Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina-Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Congo, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Laos, Niger, Mali, Marocco, Mozambique, Palestine, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC), Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam. Moreover, they may obtain information from international organizations such as the International Education Financial Aid, or the SOROS fund.At the end of the academic year, the best MMA student of a given year will receive an award from the 'Jos Van Acker/Jacques de Rijcke Trust Fund'. Past recipients of this award are: Katleen Verrelst (1999-2000), Anita Prinzie (2000-2001), Stefaan Veldeman (2001-2002), Bernd Vindevogel (2002-2003), Xavier Valentini (2003-2004), Kristof Coussement (2004-2005), Griet Verhaert (2005-2006), Philippe Baecke (2006-2007), Kim Van Geel (2007-2008), Raminta Pilipaviciute (2008-2009), Ellen Humbeeck (2009-2010).