Also on Monday our Dean, Prof. Dr. Marc De Clercq, of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Ghent University welcomed the Chancellor and many of his colleagues from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). After several years of successful cooperation between UNO and UGent, it was time to celebrate. Our visitors from UNO gave a very nice musical performance (see pictures below). This was a nice occasion to bring all US visitors together.

This “international business analytics” course tries to provide a lot of “hands-on” experience with SAS Enterprise Miner, provided by Dr. André de Waal in our computer lab.

On Tuesday, UA and UGent students continued their Business Analytics classes, focusing mostly on using decision trees in SAS Enterprise Miner. Around noon, it was time for a cultural visit to our landmark building in Gent, our library tower. We thoroughly enjoyed a tour by Sylvia Van Peteghem, our UGent chief librarian. Among many other things, she also explained our close cooperation with Google.